Free 3-day Experience

24-26 April

Love your ADS and FINALLY expand your Business

Random organic visibility brings random results.

But when we ad ADS and most of all SMART strategies ALIGNED with you and your business, random transforms into regular!

Go from random to regular results by discovering:

  • Ads can be fun and fast-track your income, visibility and they are the "GIRLS BEST FRIEND"
  • Energy matters even when talking about something sooo techy as ADS
  • You as a business owner might not need to know how to SET the ads, but you definitelly need to know how their work as a CEO of your business.
  • How to create momentum with ease? Yes, with adding the ADS and your strategy and attracting amazing clients every day.

Hi, I´m Poli

Your Holistic Business Architect, Business Shaman

Welcome to my world, where blending strategy with energy work is the key to thriving businesses.

Over the past decade, I've founded five companies, including an innovative Montessori preschool and a leading women's network in the Czech Republic.

My background as a professional Facebook Ads strategist enhances my holistic approach to business.

My personal story is one of overcoming adversity. Battling anxiety and panic attacks throughout my life, I shared my path to resilience in the co-authored book 'Women Thrive.'

My belief is firm: you can achieve success without sacrifice. I am dedicated to empowering business owners, particularly women, to realize their dreams with ease and harmony.